"I love my horse, and I enjoy riding... but sometimes I wonder, is there something MORE I should be getting out of this? Is there something more I should be doing?"
In the modern horse world there is often a division between the training of the horse and the teaching of the rider. Through this learning endeavor we recognize the essential truth that creating beauty in the performance of horse and rider relies upon partnership, upon the pursuit of knowledge, and upon compassion for ourselves and our horses. True horsemen-women are those who can apply these practices to their daily riding.
The Clinic Series offers a unique emersion experience that brings horse and rider together a way never before offered to the general horse loving public. Offering the finest in:
- Horse Training and Conditioning
- Rider Education
- Personal Development
- Awareness of Body-Mind-Spirit connection
Benefits for Auditors: One of the unique qualities of The Clinic Series is the focus on learning opportunities for auditors. Series auditors are complete participants in the day one activities which enriches the understanding of the "hands on horse" days. We have taken special care to provide excellent viewing opportunities and to encourage dialogue between clinicians and auditors.
Benefits for Riders: Receive Coaching, Instruction, and Encouragement from some of the finest horse professionals from across the country. These clinicians are amazing! And you will be inspired.